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Summer School at RSM

Research shows that on average, students regress one month in their scores and ability over the summer. Our summer math program is designed to allow students of elementary and middle school age to advance in math over the summer. Our courses are designed to strengthen the fundamentals of math in elementary school levels and to empower students for the challenges of high school math as they get older. We are dedicated to helping students realize their full mathematical potential.

Summer School dates for 2017 are: July 10 - August 17.

Our math program provides math classes that are appropriately paced to meet the needs of your childReady to sign up? Schedule a free math evaluation to see the best placement for your child's grade level and aptitude.

We hope to see you this summer! 

Sign up for a free math evaluation to speak to an educator about the best class placement for your child.

Math for Grades 1-6

Math for Grades 1 - 6

Fundamental math classes intended to hone a student's analytic skills and enhance their number sense by introducing them to abstract concepts, these classes cover a wide range of subjects.

High School Math Prep

High School Math Prep

Classes in Algebra and Geometry will build up prerequisite skills and front-load key concepts that your child will face in High School Math.

Contest-Level Math

Contest-Level Math

Students in grades 1-10 are introduced to non-straightforward problems-opening them to the intrigue of math in the world. Students are also prepped for various national and international math competitions.